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Easter traditions - Kite flying


Updated: Apr 30, 2023

Kite flying is a popular activity in Grenada, particularly during the Easter holiday season. During the Easter season, locals gather at various locations around the island to fly kites. The best locations for kite flying are open pasture areas, free from phone lines, electric power lines and air traffic.

Grenada Kites


The tradition of flying kites in Grenada dates back many years and is believed to have originated with the island's African ancestors. Kite flying is also based in Asian culture, in particular, the Chinese culture.


The kites are usually made from paper or plastic. Materials needed to make a kite include twine, glue, brown paper, flexi, plastic such as garbage bags, old bed sheets or any cloth material. Cloth is used to make the tail of the kite.

Kite materials Grenada
Kite making


Kites are traditionally diamond-shaped with four distinct corners. Other shapes include square or box shaped kites that are 2 dimensional.


Kites can be made very small. The smallest kite can fit within the palm of a hand. Kites can also be made very large. A very large kite would need multiple people to carry and put up in the air.

How to fly kite

Flying the kite depends on the direction of the wind and strength of the wind. The first step involves putting the kite in the air. Check out the video to see more about kite flying.

Source: Flow Grenada (2015)

Kite flying competition

In addition to flying kites, there are often kite-flying competitions, with prizes awarded for the highest-flying kite, the most creative design, and other categories. This activity used to take place at Pearls airstrip in St. Andrew's. The kite-flying festivities often include music, food, and drinks, making it a fun-filled day for all who participate. Kite flying in Grenada is not only a fun activity but also serves as a way to connect with the island's culture and history.

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